Phonics and Early Reading

Read, Write inc. 

At Hill Mead, we use the Read Write Inc. (RWI) phonics programme by Ruth Miskin to deliver our Early reading and writing lessons. This programme is structured, rigorous, and delivered consistently, with all staff members receiving comprehensive training. Phonics is taught by both teachers and teaching assistants. Those involved in teaching phonics receive ongoing coaching and support from our Phonics Lead, Miss Watkins.

When is phonics taught?

RWI phonics lessons are delivered daily from Nursery to Year 3 or until they reach the end of the program. Every child is assessed each half term and regrouped to match their reading ability and progress made. Once a child reaches the end of the program they should be able to access and read any age appropriate book independently. Daily lessons begin at 9am and the children learn a new sound each day. Good attendance and punctuality is vital to their progression and success. 

Decodable books to read at home

“Decodable" refers to books or texts that are specifically designed for children to read based on their current knowledge of phonics. These books use only the letters (phonemes) and letter combinations (graphemes) that the child has already learned, so they can decode (sound out) and understand the words independently.

RWI incorporates fully ‘decodable’ books that allow children to practice their growing knowledge of grapheme-phoneme correspondences (GPCs) and blending skills in meaningful contexts. These books are carefully chosen to match each individual child’s reading journey. From the start, these ‘decodable’ books allow children to experience success. The books children take home align with or slightly trail the teaching of GPCs in school, ensuring they consistently experience a sense of achievement when reading.

Online Library Access to decodable books taught in school: 

At Hill Mead children who are accessing the Read, Write inc. Program also has access to our online library via oxford Owl. Here they can find the decodable books that they have read in school that week. Your child can also answer questions in the quiz section about what they have read. For parents to be able to access the online library and use their child's individual login details to sign in. 

For online library access, visit: 

For more details on Read Write Inc, visit: Ruth Miskin