Vision and Values

Ambitious, Brave and Caring

Our vision for all pupils at Hill Mead 


Ambitious learners

knowing that there is no ceiling to what they can achieve

Brave learners

knowing that they need to take risks, make mistakes and keep on

Caring learners

knowing how and why caring for others fosters more learning for all


Our Values 

Why they matter



Learners as confident communicators can engage meaningfully with the world around them, expressing themselves clearly and showing empathy.


Learners as enthusiastic collaborators know that we can and do learn from each other.  They know how inclusion supports their own thinking and personal development.


Learners that embrace challenges and see difficulties as opportunities know that there is lots more to know and understand.


Learners that can explore and express their own ideas are able to think in different ways and different situations.


Learners that make connections know that they can apply their knowledge and skills in different contexts. They know their learning is enriched and life-long when they make links to themselves, their community and the wider world.